All Hail Ethical Beauty

By Emily Reed – Fashion PR student

Having good ethics and good skin is a dilemma many of us ethically conscious individuals may face on a day-to-day basis. Its hard, whats a girl to do? You yearn for good skin but you can’t bear the thought of cruel practices on those cute, defenseless animals… well now you don’t have to choose between the two because ethical beauty products are becoming a thing. A big thing!

Some companies have been making these ethical cosmetics for years now, but it’s only recently that these brands are coming to the forefront of the industry. You all must of heard of the plastic micro-beads win for the environment recently? Finally, the government has pledged to ban the use of plastic micro-beads in cosmetics and cleaning products by the end of 2017. Environmentalists worry that these micro-beads are building up in the oceans and possibly even entering our food chain, as well as causing damage to marine life.

Lifestyle trends and movements such as veganism and sustainable living have become so fashionable recently, more and more people are growing aware of their environment and the impact our consumerism lifestyle is having on the world we live in. Companies are creeping out of the woodwork now with the promise of ethical, impact-free and guilt-free shopping in an attempt to jump on this phenomenon.

PHB Ethical Beauty call themselves the ‘original ethical beauty brand’ with their brand name standing for Pure. Handmade. British. PHB are a true family run business with inspirational morals and a very respectful approach to business with 20% of their net profit going to charity. If that’s not ethical business practice I don’t know what is!

PHB offer a whole host of products for you to get excited about, from moisturisers, cosmetics to hair care. So you can sink into that giant bubble bath and paint on your new facemask happily in the knowledge that none of your daily beauty regimes are having an impact on the environment, and whats more, you can relax knowing that your products were created ethically, sustainably and were most definitely not tested on animals!

Here’s just a few from their extensive range:

Gentle Facial Wash With Rosehip & Chamomile £12.95
NEW 2015 Avocado Olive Sugar Scrub Web Res 2-350x350.jpg
Avocado And Olive Sugar Scrub £4.95
Fair Cream Concealer Web RGB-350x350.jpg
Cream Concealer Stick £13.95

Have you got your own favourite ethical beauty brand? Comment below, i’d love to hear about them!

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Erin Andrews says:

    Have you heard of these guys? Arbonne. I had never heard of them but apparently they are a Swiss company that claim to be vegan certified…no animal products at all.


    1. I will check them out! Thanks!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Rebecca says:

    What I find confusing is the marketing of beauty products. So many brands market themselves as ‘natural’ and ‘organic’ but are actually nothing of the sort. I think brands need more guidelines to compel them to be more transparent about what is in their products and how they go about making their products. How they produce their products is also an issue for me.


  3. Thank you for taking the time to comment. I have to agree with you, brands shouldn’t be allowed to call their products ‘natural’ and ‘organic’ unless they truly are. There should be tighter restraints for companies in order to encourage transparency. Having said that, I do think companies are beginning to take more care when it comes to this subject as there have been cases of beauty brands claiming to be ‘natural’ but after investigation have been ‘outed’ as being anything but. I think this has (or i hope it has) opened the eyes of many organic brands to ensure they are complying to all regulations in order to call themselves ‘organic’. There are strict guidelines when it comes to fashion companies, maybe the same should be put in place for beauty brands.


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